Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Donald Trump, delete your twitter

I don't spend too much time on twitter, but I will admit to following our President's tweets. Trump has become infamous for his twitter rants, something very new for someone in that office. I think its just crazy that a 71 year old man is at any and all times liable to lose his temper on the internet in front of the world and act as immature as any pre teen.
The office of the president is no stranger to criticism or scorn, it has been that way since the beginning so I wonder if Trump really knew what he was signing up for. Our "fearless leader" needs to be a lot less sensitive and stop embarrassing us as a country by publicly attacking celebrities and athletes, throwing fits about being disrespected and calling anyone who disagree with his a "loser" or a "hater". 
What has this country come to where our President uses social media as one of his main way to communicate with the country he represents? Maybe it's fitting with the times, but I believe there is something to be said for professionalism especially in such a prestigious and powerful position. I mean come on, only America would have a cyber bully as a president! Make America great again indeed... 
If Trump really wants to be taken seriously as a president he needs to delete his twitter, or at least delegate that responsibility to someone with a bit more mental stability. But maybe it's a good thing that he is being so transparent, hopefully that will be his downfall.