The article is titled, "The article is titled, "In Blocking Abortion Legislation, Democrats Will Display Their Extremism". Lets start by analyzing the target audience. This article was posted on October 18 on a blog called The National Review, a conservative political blog. The people who read this blog are largely looking for content that will confirm their existing biases. I can tell this biases are Pro-Life (an inappropriate name in my opinion because there is not Pro-death party), from the authors use of extreme description to signal his disagreement, e.g "bizzarely", "extremist", "politically toxic", "aversion to bipartisan compromise", etc. I guess that's nothing new, liberals and conservatives alike all like to read the articles that tell them they're right. I can't help but take it personally when its telling them that anyone besides a female individual should be able to make their own call on whether abortion is the right choice for them; an extremely difficult and personal decision. And just for the record, the author of this article is a man.
The arguments that this article makes is that fetuses at 20 weeks should not be legally aborted besides the obvious exemptions of rape, incest, and endangering the life of the mother (the last thing I don't believe is actually considered as it should be). It is a rant against "Pro-Abortionists", considering abortion nothing less than infanticide. The only problem with this is that people don't actually want abortions, its an option that should be legally considered because it is not always the most humanitarian decision to bring a child into this world without the means to care for it or offer it a suitable life. When it comes down to it, the decision to procreate doesn't come down to just money (although admittedly kids are expensive), but to the capability for it's parents to appropriately care for it. Some people just aren't suited to raise children and all the money in the world couldn't change that. The author repeatedly refers to "science" however does not actually back up his argument with any specific study or concrete evidence. The only data he provides is that countries in Europe such as France, Germany, and Sweden permit abortions after a range of 13 to 18 weeks.
The conclusion to this article simply states that when this issue is brought to a vote in congress the Democrats will prevent the vote. Perhaps that's true, it is a pretty general statement after all. There isn't really a "why" answer provided at all. This entire article attacks "Pro-Abortionists", however no party adopts that title. Democrats, or anyone, do not encourage abortions, but it is only right and fair for women, or people with vaginas, to be able to make those kinds of decisions for themselves. ". Lets start by analyzing the target audience. This article was posted on October 18 on a blog called The National Review, a conservative political blog. The people who read this blog are largely looking for content that will confirm their existing biases. I can tell this biases are Pro-Life (an inappropriate name in my opinion because there is not Pro-death party), from the authors use of extreme description to signal his disagreement, e.g "bizzarely", "extremist", "politically toxic", "aversion to bipartisan compromise", etc. I guess that's nothing new, liberals and conservatives alike all like to read the articles that tell them they're right. I can't help but take it personally when its telling them that anyone besides a female individual should be able to make their own call on whether abortion is the right choice for them; an extremely difficult and personal decision. And just for the record, the author of this article is a man.
The arguments that this article makes is that fetuses at 20 weeks should not be legally aborted besides the obvious exemptions of rape, incest, and endangering the life of the mother (the last thing I don't believe is actually considered as it should be). It is a rant against "Pro-Abortionists", considering abortion nothing less than infanticide. The only problem with this is that people don't actually want abortions, its an option that should be legally considered because it is not always the most humanitarian decision to bring a child into this world without the means to care for it or offer it a suitable life. When it comes down to it, the decision to procreate doesn't come down to just money (although admittedly kids are expensive), but to the capability for it's parents to appropriately care for it. Some people just aren't suited to raise children and all the money in the world couldn't change that. The author repeatedly refers to "science" however does not actually back up his argument with any specific study or concrete evidence. The only data he provides is that countries in Europe such as France, Germany, and Sweden permit abortions after a range of 13 to 18 weeks.
The conclusion to this article simply states that when this issue is brought to a vote in congress the Democrats will prevent the vote. Perhaps that's true, it is a pretty general statement after all. There isn't really a "why" answer provided at all. This entire article attacks "Pro-Abortionists", however no party adopts that title. Democrats, or anyone, do not encourage abortions, but it is only right and fair for women, or people with vaginas, to be able to make those kinds of decisions for themselves.
The political implications of this is that it supports the idea that some rich old white man can make this important and personal decision for an entire nation of women without having met or talked to any of the people his laws are affecting. The title of this article "In Blocking Abortion Legislation, Democrats Will Display Their Extremism" is completely meaningless as there is no evidence provided of extremism in any way by democrats.
In conclusion the I really didn't get very much out of reading this piece, except for perhaps a headache. My body, my choice! Ive yelled this at protests along side many women and men who believe in free will and a choice that although may be controversial, in the end its is still a PERSONAL choice. Anyway, it seems these conservatives care a whole lot less about the well being of these children after their born, and I'd like to read something addressing that. Real issues that living conscious people have to live with like not having affordable healthcare, or not being able to send kids to college because they cant afford it. The world is a scary, horrible, wonderful place and just popping out kids just for the hell of it should not be taken lightly (may I remind you overpopulation is already becoming a problem). I am not pro-abortion but I am pro-choice, because women should I have a right to their own bodies before some random man making the rules.